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    H2 has established itself in recent years as one of the main players in the online and

    face-to-face poker segment. Formerly known as H2 Club, the company has become one of

    the most important business groups in the poker area, with physical and online

    operations, in addition to being part of a conglomerate also made up of Suprema Poker

    and the organization of the Brazilian Series of Poker, the biggest championship sport

    in the world after the WSOP, which takes place annually in Las Vegas.

    To talk about the

    transformation of the company into a group with various activities related to poker and

    other games, GMB One-On-One spoke with Ueltom Lima Gomes, CEO of the company. In

    addition to dealing with the growth of H2, Ueltom says that the group has just launched

    other types of card games, such as �caxeta�, one of the most popular in Brazil, the

    brief launch of a fantasy games platform and the entry into the world of sports

    betting, with H2.Bet.

    GMB � Grupo H2 has established itself over the last ten years as

    a major player in the Brazilian poker market. What accounts for such prominence in this

    rapidly growing scenario?

    Ueltom Lima Gomes � By calling H2 a Group you already refer a

    little to our history, as H2 has always been well known as H2 Poker or H2 Club. It was

    where everything was born and being a reference in Brazil and one of the main ones in

    the world represents a great trajectory. Our history as a business group is intertwined

    with the history of poker in the country. Unlike other places in the world, we had to

    prove that poker is not about gambling. Brazil had a very specific legislation and, in

    our point of view, very backward. In other countries, this did not happen, as it was

    considered a game of skill and strategy. There has always been this confusion, as many

    people, when playing in other countries, are in a casino environment. There's a chip,

    there's a table, there's a deck of cards... And everyone confused the game as a casino

    activity. As in Brazil you cannot have games of chance, we needed to prove that poker

    did not fall under this prohibited legislation. We had to seek a lot of legal and

    technical support to show that poker is a game of skill and that the luck factor was

    not preponderant. This fight is over a decade old. This construction and legitimation

    with society was victorious. Today no one questions it and everyone plays and it is the

    second hobby of many people, such as artists, Olympic champions and football


    This community was greatly strengthened by the work we did. It was a struggle

    to play the sport we wanted most. Soon after, we realized that there was an opportunity

    for business and not just practicing the sport. Because of this history, we became a

    great reference for the country. More than launching a new business, we were founding a

    new market. There are people who were fundamental for this and for me, Igor Federal, my

    partner, is also my mentor and a super important guy in this story. As well as Andr�

    Akkari, a great friend and world poker champion, who is a business genius. For all

    these reasons, we have consolidated a market and thus I summarize the reasons for

    making the H2 a reference.

    And as you rightly said, a sport of the mind. Obviously

    having the organization of the Brazilian Series of Poker among H2's operations is a

    huge responsibility, as it has become the biggest poker championship in the Southern

    Hemisphere. How do you evaluate the growth of the Brazilian championship?

    The BSOP is

    now the largest poker tournament in the world by number of people outside of Las Vegas,

    which is the mecca for major tournaments. Today, the BSOP is in contention for first

    place outside of the WSOP. We are one of the biggest championships in the world in

    awards and we are not the first only because of the Brazilian currency. But the BSOP is

    a great reference and we welcome the best players in the world and from countless

    countries. One of the main factors for success is the very size of the market in

    Brazil, since there are no other championships of this size. BSOP got a lot right with

    the leadership of DC and Lara [Devanir Campos and Lara Bruno), in addition to Igor

    Federal, of course, who are responsible for the success of the Brazilian Series of

    Poker. They are very successful in their decision to have the best championship in the

    world from a technical point of view. The dealers, tournament directors, floors and the

    technical structure of the BSOP make us recognized as the best in the world, even by

    the main players. It's almost a unanimous decision. When playing elsewhere, you don't

    see the same technical level as in the Brazilian championship in terms of organization.

    This was a great success for BSOP, which made it very important on the world stage.


    the way, poker has been growing exponentially. Was this boom in Brazil due to the

    understanding that it is a sport and the dissemination of the WSOP?

    There is an

    interesting factor in the history of poker. We call it the �MoneyMaker Factor�. He was

    a recreational poker player who won his seat at the world championship from a satellite

    tournament. At the world championships, entry to the main tournament costs US$10,000,

    so it's not cheap, but it's possible to win a seat through satellites. And that's what

    happened to him, through a very cheap qualifier and he played in the tournament,

    becoming world champion. At that moment, the euphoria was generated in the world poker

    community that an amateur player is also capable of winning a world title.

    When you

    think about the long term, the best players will always be the victors. There is a

    phrase in the poker world that says: �you are not paid to always win, but you are paid

    to make the best decisions�. So in the long run you will be a profitable player. But

    what is the great beauty of poker? If you play just one hand against the best player in

    the world, you have a chance to win, but if you play a hundred times, you will lose.

    This allows amateur players to sit at the tables of the best players in the world!

    There is the privilege of being able to sit down at the table once and win. This made

    poker grow a lot and started to be broadcast on ESPN in several countries around the

    world. This made the modality grow even more.

    There is a parenthesis here that is

    always worth mentioning. It is a source of pride in Brazil that the cards used in both

    the Brazilian championship and the WSOP are from Copag, the century-old Brazilian deck


    Copag is a giant. We have a solid and historic relationship. They have

    always been supporters of our projects. It was very important in our trajectory. It is

    a Brazilian giant in the playing cards sector. They have numerous lines and have always

    supported our project.

    How is the integration between online and face-to-face poker? Is

    there a competition or do they complement each other?

    They complete. We were a little

    afraid and it was a doubt. When the pandemic came, we had no option. For many years the

    group saw it as a tool or a means for other online operators who were always partners

    and sponsored us. We operated physical units in clubs and in the Brazilian

    championship, but when the pandemic hit, we were unable to operate for a year. A lot of

    people depended on the physical poker operation and we had no options but to grow the

    online platform and making it a big business was a matter of survival. It ended up

    becoming the biggest business and the main vertical we have in our business. But we

    thought: �will this boom subside at the end of the pandemic?� We realized that it

    wasn't and that those who only played live sporadically, started to play digitally as

    well and didn't fail to return to the physical with the end of restrictions. They

    continued to play online even with the return of face-to-face activities. During the

    pandemic, there was a growth in the public looking for things to do, including

    recreational games and poker. And they started to attend the physical units. We arrived

    at the phygital, which is the physical and the digital. We received visits from players

    from all over the world and they know the size of our operation and what we do. And

    they are surprised when they visit the H2 and see the hall full. They understand that

    online is important for H2, they realize the strength that digital has achieved.

    H2 is

    preparing for other card games. What's new in that sense?

    Through the network we are

    part of, we have Suprema Poker. It's an own app that online clubs can connect to. This

    greatly enhances the volume of people playing at the same time. It is now the main

    online poker platform in South America and one of the largest in the world. And with

    the growth, we started to discuss other games and the first one we just launched is

    �caxeta�, very widespread in Brazil. We want to bring this audience into our digital

    world. By tradition in Brazil, I even believe that it is greater than the number of

    poker players. Another modality that we are about to launch is the fantasy game. We

    have developed our own game and will soon launch it, as well as talk about our betting


    Speaking of news, we were going to get into that. H2 entered the world of

    sports betting with H2.Bet. What is the proposal of the new house?

    We've spent over a

    decade basically operating poker. It was a decision we made in the past to operate only

    as permitted by Brazilian law. We always look at other games and are interested in

    operating, but we depend on the Brazilian government to make the decision. We are late

    and Brazil is one of the few countries in the world that does not have specific

    regulations for casino and bingo games. It is a detriment to the country that prevents

    serious businessmen from entering this market. We are in this expectation and that

    Brazil advances in this direction. Four years ago, the country legalized sports betting

    and for a long time we waited for regulation to enter the business. It took us a while

    to move in this segment, but recently we made the decision to participate. Following

    the market and seeing that many world-class companies were investing in this sector, we

    launched H2.Bet. It is a phenomenon what is happening in this market. Brazilians are

    very passionate about games and sports and it is no different for us. We are very

    satisfied and excited about the future of this business.

    Are you offering the main


    All possible modalities and the main markets. As much as we are an

    international company, it bears a name that over the years we have fought hard to be

    respected. When people look at the H2 name, they see that respect and credibility. For

    us, it has always been important to delimit this. We operate with the best markets and

    we are very concerned about the unbridled growth of operators that we often don't even

    hear about. We are talking about entertainment and it takes a lot of responsibility

    when talking about investment. It is a new modality and we are working with great

    respect for the market.

    The government should not waste time and create specific rules

    within the Brazilian market to give more and more credibility and security to those who

    want to operate in the country, without having to act abroad.

    What are H2's plans for


    H2 is experiencing exponential growth and we know that there is a very large

    window of opportunity, especially in the betting and new games market. I think our main

    strategy is to cross-sell the games and make the community that already recognizes H2

    as an entertainment environment, that they come to try �caxeta� with us, to the fantasy

    game and those who are interested in sports betting, may they be with us.

    Our corporate

    mantra is �Grow�. Within the leadership we have a joke when answering when they ask us

    how we are doing. Our answer is �we are growing�. This growth is based on cross-selling

    and the support of what we already have with new games. We bet a lot on this and we are

    keeping an eye on the regulation of betting and the legalization of games.


    participate in all discussions in this regard because we are very interested in

    contributing to the development of the entertainment segment. We have to move forward

    and the time has passed when the State said who you can marry, how you can spend your

    money and much more. Gaming exists in the country and is just not legalized. This is

    the most important point that the government should understand. Many serious

    businessmen are waiting for the State to legalize and regulate the modalities to

    operate safely. It's not about whether gaming exists or whether anyone likes it or

    doesn't like it. Everyone can have that right, but it's up to the government to offer

    clear rules, collect and invest in important areas. It's about the government putting a

    hand in this business even to protect gamblers.

    Source: Exclusive GMB


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