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Por Vitor Santana, John William, poker world club Goi�s e TV Anhanguera

06/12/2023 07h32 Atualizado 06/12/2023

SEMAD multa fazenda da fam�lia de Caiado

A Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustent�vel (Semad) multou uma empresa que pertence � fam�lia do governador Ronaldo Caiado (UB) por desmatamento ilegal. A vegeta��o retirada fica em uma �rea de preserva��o permanente dentro de uma fazenda. O governador elogiou a atua��o dos fiscais, que agiram com isen��o.

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A Fazenda Limoeiro fica em Hidrolina, no norte do estado. Ela est� registrada nos nomes do governador Ronaldo Caiado e mais cinco irm�os. Dois deles aparecem com administradores da empresa.

A reportagem entrou em contato com os respons�veis pela administra��o da empresa, mas n�o teve retorno at� a �ltima atualiza��o da mat�ria.


Fazenda � multada em mais de R$ 200 mil por desmatamento ilegal, diz governoParque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros perde 87% da superf�cie de �gua em cerca de 40 anos, segundo estudoFazendeiro � suspeito de desmatar e usar drenos para retirar �gua do solo em �rea ao lado do Parque da Chapada dos Veadeiros

A propriedade tinha licen�a para desmatar uma �rea. Por�m, durante uma verifica��o da Semad para verificar como o servi�o tinha sido feito, os fiscais perceberam que foi ultrapassado o limite permitido para retirada da vegeta��o.

�rea desmatada em fazenda da fam�lia do governador Ronaldo Caiado �
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: Reprodu��o/TV Anhanguera

De acordo com a secretaria, a fazenda derrubou oito hectares da mata ciliar que protege duas nascentes do Rio das Almas. O local � uma �rea de preserva��o permanente do tamanho do Parque Vaca Brava, em Goi�nia. Por lei, n�o poderia haver desmatamento ali.

A Semad aplicou uma multa de R$ 76,5 mil. A �rea desmatada irregularmente est� embargada pelo �rg�o desde agosto, aguardando o reflorestamento.

�Para a gente, tendo o dono ambienta, independente de CPF ou CNPJ, as a��es administrativas s�o tomadas, as gente faz o auto de infra��o e embargo da �rea�, disse Robson Disarz, subsecret�rio de licenciamento, controle e fiscaliza��o da Semad.

Disarz explicou que, em casos de desmatamentos ilegais, os respons�veis t�m que pagar uma multa e garantir a repara��o ou compensa��o do dano. �No caso de �rea de preserva��o permanente, ele tem que reparar o dano no pr�prio local e somente ap�s a comprova��o da repara��o do dano que � feito o desembargo dessa �rea. Ou seja, ele fica impedido de usar essa �rea enquanto n�o h� repara��o�, completou.

Sobre o desmatamento na fazenda, o governador Ronaldo Caiado disse que tem uma conta de participa��o na sociedade, mas n�o faz parte da administra��o da empresa. Segundo ele, logo que foi informado da multa, parabenizou toda a equipe da Semad pela atua��o isenta e respons�vel. O governador finalizou a nota afirmando que este epis�dio comprova que em Goi�s a legisla��o vale pra todos.

A��es da Semad

A secretaria j� aplicou 1.284 multas por desmatamento ilegal apenas em 2023. Al�m disso, ainda analisa 40 processos. Com as a��es, houve uma redu��o de 18% na derrubada irregular do Cerrado no estado.

Em 2023, foram 1.359 autua��es. Os fazendeiros recebem a notifica��o e o boleto pelos Correios.

A Semad montou uma for�a tarefa com 28 analistas e t�cnicos ambientais para combater o desmatamento ilegal no estado. Esse trabalho come�ou em novembro e deve seguir at� fevereiro. Todas fazendas devem ser fiscalizadas.

�rea de desmatamento em Goi�s �
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: Reprodu��o/TV Anhanguera

O monitoramento � feito de maneira remota, com an�lise de imagens de sat�lite. Quando � flagrado um desmatamento irregular, fiscais v�o � propriedade.

Para Giovanni Mascarenhas, advogado especialista em direito agr�rio e pesquisador, proteger as �reas permanentes � garantir a preserva��o do Cerrado, considerado o ber�o das �guas.

�A preserva��o da vegeta��o influencia diretamente na preserva��o daquele curso h�drico, da preserva��o daquela nascente. Ent�o, a redu��o ou retirada daquela mata, daquela vegeta��o nativa, vai prejudicar o pr�prio curso h�drico. Ent�o, o desmatamento n�o pode ser reduzido apenas � redu��o das �rvores ou a redu��o da vegeta��o que l� existia, mas sim a viola��o de todo um equil�brio ecol�gico, do qual trata a Constitui��o Federal�, disse.

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2023 j� � considerado o ano mais quente da hist�ria, segundo observat�rio.

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    PokerStove is a highly hand optimized C++ poker hand evaluation library. The Win32 Hold'em GUI was first released in 2002, and has been available as freeware since it's first release.

    The core libraries of pokerstove are being open sourced. The project is currently in the process of reviewing and publishing the code. As code is reviewed and code sanitized further commits will be added.

    Please find the old installer in the win32 directory. That installer should install a version of PokerStove which will not expire at any time. You can also find the apk file for the Android version of the utility in the android folder.



    This is a c++ poker hand evaluation library. The main design goals of the library are generality, extensibility, and ease of use. There are evaluators for fourteen variants of poker. Additionally, there are various card manipulation and query tools built into the CardSet class.


    A tool for poker hand evaluation. It demonstrates how to use the peval library, and to create evaluators for the different variants of poker.

    A utility for viewing colexicographical index for sets of cards.


    The pokerstove libraries come with build scripts for cmake. This should allow you to build it on any platform with minimal tweaking. This project has been successfully build under linux/g++, windows/vc2010 and OSX/XCode so far.

    In order to build the libraries you'll need the following installed on your platform of choice:

    boost, version 1.46 or higher

    cmake, version 3.14 or higher


    To install the dependencies with apt get:

    apt-get install libboost-all-dev cmake

    To build under linux using cmake, create a build directory, invoke cmake on the programs directory, then build. The command below uses four threads, but you may set it according to your own system.

    git clone https://github/andrewprock/pokerstove.git cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S \. -B build cmake --build build --target all test -j 4

    You should then be able to execute the simple command line example:

    pokerstove/buildR$ ./bin/ps-eval Allowed options: -? [ --help ] produce help message -g [ --game ] arg (=h) game to use for evaluation -b [ --board ] arg community cards for he/o/o8 -h [ --hand ] arg a hand for evaluation -q [ --quiet ] produce no output For the --game option, one of the follwing games may be specified. h hold'em o omaha/8 O omaha high r razz s stud e stud/8 q stud high/low no qualifier d draw high l lowball (A-5) k Kansas City lowball (2-7) t triple draw lowball (2-7) T triple draw lowball (A-5) b badugi 3 three-card poker examples: ps-eval acas ps-eval AcAs Kh4d --board 5c8s9h ps-eval AcAs Kh4d --board 5c8s9h ps-eval --game l 7c5c4c3c2c ps-eval --game k 7c5c4c3c2c ps-eval --game kansas-city-lowball 7c5c4c3c2c


    Getting boost to work under windows can be a bit of a challenge. One of the easier ways is to install precompiled librares. There is a batch of them available at sourceforge. If you're working with Visual Studio 2010, you will probably need the 32 bit libraries. [boost precomplied libraries] (http://sourceforge/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.53.0/)

    Under windows, the cmake gui can be used to construct solution and project files for Visual Studio 2010. To do this, browse source to locate the programs directory git/pokerstove/programs. Then create a build dir for the project. At the bottom of the gui click Configure, then Generate. You may have to edit the git/pokerstove/programs/CMakeLists.txt to point cmake to your installation of boost.

    Once you've done that, you should be able to select

    Menu->Build->Build Solution

    to build the sample program.


    In order to build under Max OSX, you'll need to install XCode, git, cmake, macports, and boost. The first four can be installed in the conventional manner, with XCode coming form the App Store, cmake, git and macports downloaded from the web. The macports package is a typical unix package management utility and is required to install boost. Once you've installed and selfupdate'd macports, you can install boost:

    sudo port install boost -no_static


    brew install boost cmake

    From there you can run the cmake gui as in windows. This will create an XCode project which should compile the sample utility. Alternatively, follow the command line cmake instructions in the Linux section.

    Python support

    Python support is done via swig integration. This has only been developed and tested for Ubuntu at this point in time.

    In order for python libraries to work, you will need to install:

    sudo apt install python3 swig

    If you would like to also build the Python library as well, append the directive when the first cmake invocation is run:

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S \. -B build -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON

    Once you have built the project with Python support there will be a python loader file and a shared object file. To test run the script from the build directory:

    PYTHONPATH=python/pokerstove/pyPeval/ ../src/lib/python/test-python

    For regular use you'll want to export the PYTHONPATH variable to your shell:


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    The highlight of Lu�s Faria's career came in 2024. The Portuguese professional won theR$10,300 NLHE Main Event [World Championship of NLHE] at the WCOOP festival on PokerStars and became world champion of online poker using the "luis_faria" account.

    For the achievement, Faria received the champion's trophy and an incredibleR$1,293,826 to completely smash his previous career record, theR$232,764 he earned when he won the Main Event of the Online Super Series (OSS) on the WPN Network.

    This is the second biggest Portuguese prize ever in online poker, just behind theR$2,329,943 won by Manuel Ruivo when he won the partypoker Millions Online in 2024.

    By winning the online poker world title, Lu�s Faria repeated the feat of compatriot Andr� Marques, champion of the 2024 edition, and now Portugal has two names in the gallery of champions of the Main Event of the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP).

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    The tournament had a million-dollar guarantee and smashed that with aR$1.5 million prize pool off of 147 entrants. Only 35 players made it through Day 1, though they were joined by a few dozen more who late-regged before the start of Day 2. Seven players survived the second day to make it to the final table on Day 3, including "Ben_Apart" of the United Kingdom, Ami "UhhMee" Barer of Canada and Ola "Odd_Oddsen" Amundsgard of Norway.

    Ka Kwan "kaju85" Lau was eliminated on the bubble in eighth place forR$50,682 when his naked aces ran into the full house of Nemeth, marking the beginning of what would prove to be a strong showing by the eventual champion.

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